Chancellor Block sent the following message to the UCLA campus community.
Voting is at the heart of any strong democracy. As the March 3 election approaches, I want to encourage you to vote and also ensure you are aware of new voting opportunities at UCLA.
This year, UCLA Ackerman Union will serve as a Los Angeles County vote center for 11 days and the Hammer Museum will be a vote center for four days, providing UCLA students, faculty, staff and other voters around our campus community with greater voting flexibility than ever before. This new model allows L.A. County voters to cast a ballot at any vote center in the county. See below for the locations and hours of the UCLA and Hammer Museum vote centers.
In order to vote, you must register by February 18. If you have changed your permanent address, name or party affiliation since the last election, you will need to re-register. You can find more information at the BruinsVOTE! UCLA election hub.
While the presidential primary receives much attention, there are also important local races and measures, as well as a statewide measure, that will be on the ballot in March. Information about statewide Proposition 13 — which authorizes bonds for facilities at UCLA and the other UC campuses as well as public preschools, K-12 schools and other public colleges and universities — is available on the California Secretary of State website (see Proposition 13 Summary and Analysis (PDF) and Proposition 13 Arguments in Favor and Rebuttals (PDF)).
As we celebrate UCLA’s centennial, we want to recognize another important 100th anniversary: The ratification of the 19th Amendment guaranteeing women’s constitutional right to vote. It is also the 150th anniversary of the 15th Amendment guaranteeing the right to vote regardless of race. These milestones should be reminders to all of us not to take for granted the hard-won right, responsibility and privilege we have to participate in our nation’s democracy.
I hope you will get civically engaged and show the world that #BruinsVote.
Gene D. Block
UCLA Vote Center
Location: Ackerman Union, Bruin Reception Room, 2nd floor (308 Westwood Plaza)
Hours: February 22–March 2, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. and Election Day March 3, 7 a.m.–8 p.m.
Hammer Museum Vote Center
Location: Hammer Museum, Annenberg Terrace, 3rd floor (10899 Wilshire Boulevard)
Hours: February 29–March 2, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. and Election Day March 3, 7 a.m.–8 p.m.