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UCLA’s Coronavirus Planning and Preparedness

Chancellor Block sent the following message to the UCLA campus community.

To the Campus Community:

Ongoing news about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is understandably creating concern and, although the risk to the general public is low, we wanted to keep you current on the latest information. While there have been no reported cases at UCLA so far, I want to remind you of some standard health practices that can prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as:

There is currently no need to cancel classes or other events and UCLA continues to closely coordinate with federal, state and local public health officials so that our campus remains fully prepared.

If you are considering travel, please also be sure to stay up to date on the latest travel advisories, which currently recommend avoiding nonessential travel to China, South Korea, Italy and Iran. Also keep in mind that other countries can always add or change travel restrictions, flights may be canceled, and new re-entry restrictions or quarantines could be imposed. Please be sure to provide family and friends with your itinerary and contact information before you travel.

If you develop flu-like symptoms — fever, cough and difficulty breathing — and are concerned that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, seek medical attention. Students should call the Ashe Center Infection Control Line at 310-206-6217 and faculty and staff should call their health care providers. Please always call ahead before arriving.

I know that anxieties can run high, but please avoid panic and stay educated. UCLA will continue to provide you with the most reliable and up-to-date information possible on the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) information page on UCLA Newsroom. We are also planning some upcoming forums to share information about our planning and preparedness, particularly for our students.

Communities thrive when we all stay committed to each other’s well-being. We must never stigmatize anyone in our community based on national origin. Someone who has a cough or a fever does not necessarily have COVID-19. Science and common sense remain our best tools for successfully addressing this situation.


Gene D. Block