Chancellor Block urges the campus community to work together to ensure that UCLA remains an open and inclusive campus.
Many of you are aware of the recent incidents on several UC campuses involving students who acted in disrespectful and offensive ways toward their peers. I find such actions appalling and intolerable. We cannot ignore deliberate acts that demean others based on race, gender, national origin or any other personal characteristic; those actions have no place in a university and certainly not in our UCLA community.
At UCLA, our diversity is our strength. Our students represent an amazing array of the highest achievers working together to prepare themselves to live, work and lead in a global society. The choices we make impact our relationships with one another, our families and our communities. The latest events at UC San Diego have been especially painful to African-American students and others on our campus. Please reach out and show your concern.
I ask each of you to share the responsibility for maintaining on our campus an environment of respect and civility in which every student and every community can thrive.
Let’s work together actively to ensure that UCLA remains an open and inclusive campus.
Gene D. Block