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Message about Governor Brown’s Budget Proposal

Chancellor Block provides an update on the state budget proposal, which includes a reduction of $500 million in funding for the University of California.

Today, Governor Jerry Brown announced his California budget proposal for 2011-12. As we expected, the plan includes a reduction of $500 million in funding for the University of California.

UC President Mark Yudof has issued a statement responding to the proposal and outlining its possible impact on the UC. I encourage you to read his message here.

During the next several weeks, we will have a clearer understanding of how the latest cuts will affect our UCLA campus budget specifically. Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Scott Waugh, who chairs UCLA’sRestructuring Steering Committee, will oversee our efforts to meet the latest budget reductions. As it has since its inception in February 2010, the RSC will continue to develop strategies for decreasing our dependence on state support and making our operations as efficient as possible.

In addition, we will intensify our development of new revenue streams. I am determined to ensure that we can continue to offer a quality education for our undergraduate and graduate students and to sustain our innovative research through these difficult times.

In the coming months, as the legislature considers Governor Brown’s budget, it is essential that lawmakers understand the impact of further cuts to the UC. Please join our advocacy effort by clicking the Get Involved link at Budget information is always available at the UCLA Newsroom.

Gene D. Block