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Acknowledging our Challenging Week

Chancellor Block sent the following message to the UCLA Bruin Community.

Dear Bruin Community:

Many of us greatly looked forward to this week, which promised an exciting return to the classroom and a chance to reconnect in person and take advantage of all our campus has to offer.

What we experienced instead was a frightening episode in which a person in Colorado made violent threats against members of our campus. We felt fear, as well as the whiplash of returning to remote classes until the individual had been apprehended. Although we are pleased by the successful efforts of UCPD and law enforcement partners, we are committed to constantly improving how we protect and notify our community in such circumstances and are analyzing all aspects of the university’s response to this threat.

This was a challenging week for other reasons as well. Some of our student groups and community members have raised concerns about their campus experiences; we hear them, and I look forward to meeting with them today to discuss how we can find a resolution. Many students took mid-terms — already a daunting exercise — during this tense period. On top of all of this, we continue to reel from the lasting effects of the pandemic.

When difficulties like these stack up, they can leave us feeling vulnerable, exposed, and without agency. Such times ask too much of us, but we will get through them if we support one another as members of the Bruin family. I know many of you are already offering that support to those around you. Our employee counseling and student counseling services are also here to help, and our CAPS and RISE teams will be setting up healing/reflection spaces as they have done so effectively at other challenging times.

I wish every member of our campus community strength at this moment and my hope for better days ahead.


Gene D. Block