Chancellor Block provides a budget update to students and their families.
I realize that your summer is starting at a time of great uncertainty about the California state budget and its impact on UCLA. I’m sure you have heard about possible proposals to eliminate Cal Grants and academic preparation programs, among others. Although the governor proposed eliminating Cal Grants, the budget conference committee has restored the funding. But until the governor signs a balanced budget, we won’t know the final outcome. I know that you are deeply concerned, as am I.
Truthfully, we do not yet know what steps the state or the UC system will take in response to the state’s drastic cuts in funding to public education. But all of us at UCLA are keeping a very close vigil as decisions are handed down. This I can tell you: We are working tirelessly to ensure that we can — and that we will — continue to offer excellence in education, along with broad access, affordability and programmatic support. These remain top priorities in the allocation of whatever resources we receive from the state.
Over the summer, we will make updated information available as we receive it. Knowing that we will be here, doing all we can to mitigate negative impacts of state budget cuts, please have an enjoyable summer.
We look forward to seeing you in the fall.
Gene D. Block