Chancellor Block and Vice Chancellor Turteltaub sent the following message to the UCLA campus community.
When we launched the Centennial Campaign for UCLA in 2014, our goals were to celebrate the university’s 100th year and generate a level of support that would carry this influential institution into its second century. We knew Bruins and friends the world over would respond with passion and enthusiasm, but we couldn’t have imagined how successful the campaign would be.
Today we are proud to announce that UCLA has raised $5.49 billion in support of our public mission. Of the more than 574,000 total gifts received, about 81 percent were less than $1,000, and 58 percent of the almost 220,000 donors were first-time donors to UCLA.
The Centennial Campaign surpassed our $4.2 billion fundraising goal 18 months ahead of schedule, and that strong momentum continued through the campaign’s December 31 closing date. The excitement it created for UCLA and our mission translated into transformative giving that is already changing our campus and community for the better. We encourage you to visit the Let There Be website to read about the inspiring work that is emerging as a result of the campaign.
However, our work is far from done. UCLA remains dedicated to raising additional funds for student support and to connecting passionate donors with members of our community who are making an impact through research, teaching and service. Among the wonderful and inspiring results of this campaign and our centennial celebration are the enduring connections people have made on and off campus.
All members of our community have contributed in their own ways, and your role at UCLA — as a student, donor, researcher, alumnus, volunteer, faculty member or staff member — has made an important difference. We all share in this success, and we will all benefit from our collective work so that UCLA remains the nation’s number one public university for generations to come.
Gene D. Block
Rhea Turteltaub
Vice Chancellor for External Affairs