Chancellor Block and Professor Valenzuela sent the following message to the UCLA campus community.
The University of California is dedicated to maintaining campus environments that are safe and welcoming for all members of our community, regardless of immigration status. The passage last year of Assembly Bill 21 mandated that California public colleges and universities establish policies and procedures that protect the rights of all members of our community, which include sending out information about these policies to all members of our campus community on a quarterly basis. It is important to note that federal immigration agencies can and do enter campus on occasion for non-enforcement activities, including those related to immigration visa processing and other services.
Ensuring that everyone on our campus has access to education without intimidation, confusion or fear is in our collective best interest. To that end, UCLA’s Advisory Council on Immigration Policy has developed the infographic How to Respond to Immigration Officers on Campus (PDF), which outlines a protocol that should be followed if students, faculty or staff become aware of immigration enforcement activity on campus. Although we do not expect any such event, it is always better to be prepared. For more information about the legal rights of an individual who may be subject to an immigration enforcement action, please consult Immigrant Legal Services at the Undocumented Student Program at (310) 825-4523 and this Know Your Rights Card (PDF).
We would like to thank the Advisory Council on Immigration Policy, the Office of Campus Counsel and the Health Sciences Office of Legal Affairs for developing this protocol and for their roles in ensuring that we follow this protocol moving forward. For a complete explanation of UC’s policies and procedures relating to undocumented members of our community, please visit UC’s Information on Immigration website and UCLA’s Resources on Immigration Policy Changes website. There, you will find important resource documents such as UC’s Statement of Principles in Support of Undocumented Members of the UC Community and Frequently Asked Questions for University Employees About Possible Federal Immigration Enforcement Actions on University Property. These two sites will include updates and future changes to state and federal immigration policy as they relate to the UCs.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments related to this notice, please contact Dr. Abel Valenzuela at (310) 206-5520 or
Gene D. Block
Abel Valenzuela Jr.
Professor and Special Advisor to the Chancellor on Immigration Policy