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Message from Chancellor Block on the Ending of DACA

Chancellor Block sent the following message to the UCLA campus community.

I am deeply disappointed by President Trump’s announcement that the federal government will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA has provided valuable resources for those within our UCLA community who qualify for the program, including access to a work permit. UCLA stands in solidarity with all of our students, especially our undocumented students, for whom the federal government’s action will be met with fear and uncertainty. It is important to remember that financial aid provided to undocumented AB540 students is unaffected by the federal government’s decision to end DACA.

To our DACA students: Please be assured that UCLA will continue to provide you and student groups with information and campus support services, including legal and counseling services, in the days and months ahead. UCLA will also continue to abide by the University of California Statement of Principles in Support of Undocumented Members of the UC Community, which pledges that each UC school will continue to comply with broad federal and state privacy rights and other rights that provide protection to all members of the UC Community.

I also want to voice my gratitude to and full support for UC President Janet Napolitano as she continues to advocate on behalf of our undocumented students.

I urge Congress to act quickly to protect undocumented students and secure their future in this country. This is indeed a sad day for our nation, but also a day for us to recommit ourselves to our Bruin Community’s core values of equity, diversity and inclusion.

Gene D. Block