To the UCLA Community:
I’m proud to share with you some of UCLA’s remarkable accomplishments of this academic year. I hope the stories we’ve highlighted leave you with a resounding reminder that UCLA’s excellence is widespread.
Throughout this past year, UCLA scholars took daring leaps forward, developing breakthroughs in an incredible breadth and variety of fields, from cancer research to choreography. We are pushing the frontiers of knowledge in unprecedented ways, forging lasting and meaningful partnerships in our communities and venturing to answer some of the most pressing questions of our time.
And as one of this nation’s premier research institutions, in the heart of one of the world’s truly global cities, we know that what we create and what we discover here — the results of tireless work by our students, faculty and staff — is felt by people across our region, our state and our nation.
Indeed, our commitment to our public mission, and to the people we serve, is unparalleled.
UCLA is the university of the future: Supported by our community, devoted to our community and leading the way in virtually every field. Please take some time to explore what we have accomplished this year, celebrate your great university and join us in building an even greater UCLA as we approach our second century.
Go Bruins!
Gene D. Block