UCLA community honors veterans
Chancellor Block addressed student cadets and midshipmen, alumni and community leaders at UCLA’s 10th annual Veterans Day ceremony.
He expressed appreciation to veterans and their families for the commitment and sacrifices made in service to our country.
“All of us owe our veterans a debt of gratitude, and it is one we can never fully repay,” said Chancellor Block. “You take enormous risks, and you play an essential role. And just as you’ve been there for us, we need to be there for you.”
The Chancellor noted that during the past year, UCLA has deepened its investments in programs that support student and alumni veterans, including through the UCLA Veterans Legal Clinic, the UCLA-VA Family Resource and Well-Being Center and the Mental Health Addictions Center for Excellence.
Johnnie Ashe was a featured guest at the commemoration. A retired captain in the U.S. Marines and the brother of tennis legend and UCLA alumnus Arthur Ashe, Johnnie Ashe served an additional tour in Vietnam so his brother could pursue his tennis career.